We all want to be our best self, every day. But for most people, emotional reactions like stress, anger, frustration, anxiety, fear, shame, and disappointment are an exhausting daily struggle, making it tough to consistently be the leader, parent, mate, colleague, friend, and person you truly want to be. Dear Human, Master Your Emotions (Inspire On Purpose Publishing) is a user-friendly guide to emotional mastery.
Author Mark Youngblood has spent decades studying what it takes to lead a successful and fulfilling life. One of his greatest lessons has been this: the power to change our world—to make it what we want—exists within each of us. And through these powerful insights, strategies and life skills, the journey can be faster and easier than you ever imagined. Dear Human, Master Your Emotions provides simple, clear explanations and powerful tools for transforming your life.
Readers find powerful insights and perspectives, along with exciting new strategies and life skills, illustrated through fascinating real-life examples. We are born with a robust palette of emotions designed to make our life richer and to serve our best interests; instead, they often seem to make our life more difficult and painful.
The inability to handle negative emotions is at the root of most of the strife and suffering in society. People will do almost anything to avoid negative, painful emotions ― and resort to suppression, destructive interpersonal drama, addiction, compulsions, and ultimately to suicide. Dear Human, Master Your Emotions is a user-friendly guide designed to help readers gain greater understanding and acceptance of their emotions by learning how to take charge of them. Embracing all of these emotions and processing them in a healthy way will not only transform an individual life, it can lead to the betterment of society in general.
“The development of Inner Mastery is a journey to free yourself from the chains of your personal dramas and the suffering they inflict,” Youngblood says. “As you begin your journey, this book will guide you through self-awareness and emotional self-management. It will prepare you with the understanding and skills you will need for continuing your journey of growth.”
Mark Youngblood is a lifelong student, teacher, and facilitator of Inner Mastery. His life purpose is to elevate human consciousness and promote spiritual growth, individually and collectively. He founded his company, Inner Mastery, Inc., more than 20 years ago to promote personal and organizational transformation. His outreach presently includes executive coaching with top management, the Inner Mastery online learning community, Dear Human books, public speaking, and special workshops.
A Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Youngblood has read, studied, and practiced extensively in the art and science of personal transformation and spiritual growth for nearly two decades. A proud father and stepfather, Youngblood is married to his high school sweetheart after 30 years apart. He loves to travel and is an avid fine art photographer.
For more information, please visit the website, www.MyInnerMastery.com.
Dear Human, Master Your Emotions
Inspire On Purpose Publishing
Available at fine booksellers September 5 (e-book, audiobook and paperback)
ISBN: 978-1941782088