Gaming Video Games

Toxic Games Release Q.U.B.E. 2 Accolades Trailer

Independent developer Toxic Games has released the Accolades Trailer for Q.U.B.E. 2. The first-person puzzler, in which you play as Amelia Cross, has picked up superb reviews from outlets such as Gamespot, Destructoid, PC Games N, 3D Juegos, 4 Players and many more. Q.U.B.E. 2 is available now on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 for £19.99/€24.99/$24.99. Stay tuned for further details on the Season Pass DLC.

View the Accolades Trailer here:

“What Toxic have pulled off with the sequel is nothing short of impressive.” – Destructoid

“Q.U.B.E. 2 takes the first-person puzzler in a direction I can only hope Portal 3 might someday go.” – PC Games N

“Q.U.B.E. 2 makes remarkably clever changes to a formula well established by its predecessor.” – Gamespot

“Q.U.B.E 2 is the best puzzle game the genre has seen since Portal 2.” – PS Universe

Q.U.B.E. 2 puts players in the shoes of British archaeologist, Amelia Cross, on a beautiful yet mysterious alien planet.  With the help of fellow survivor, Emma, Amelia must face the challenges of the Q.U.B.E. in the hope of finding a way back home. Q.U.B.E 2 retains the shifting, environmental puzzles of the original but wraps the action around Amelia’s own intimate story and her quest for survival.

About Toxic Games:

Toxic Games was established in 2010 by former classmates, Daniel Da Rocha, Dave Hall and Jonathan Savery who began development of Q.U.B.E. as a student project in 2009. With advice and investment from independent game developer veterans, Indie Fund, Toxic Games were able to go from student hobbyists to independent developers upon graduation from University. Toxic Games launched Q.U.B.E. to rave reviews in 2011, receiving high acclaim from JoystiqVideogamer, and PC Gamer. In 2014, Toxic Games released Q.U.B.E: Director’s Cut, adding an expanded story and enhanced graphics. It’s much anticipated follow-up, Q.U.B.E. 2 will launch March 13th on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

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